In Malaga, Spain, a sixteen-year-old sailor met and seduced a sixteen-year-old girl. He was Abraham Mills, and she was Izola Maria Mendoza.
Abram wanted to take Izola away from her judgmental
neighbors and asked her to marry him. After they were married, Abram took his
wife with him aboard ship. Some Captains allowed their sailors to have their wives
and children with them. Aboard ship, wives with their husbands shared the same
congested space below deck. They lived in full view of everyone with no
privacy. It was dark, dirty, and the smell was awful. Izola got sick and died as
the ship was taking her to America.
Seven years later, Martha's father remarried. At ten, Martha wanted to start using her mother's name. She began insisting that everyone call her Izola Martha Mills. Also, at ten, her father died. Two years later, Izola's stepmother kicked her out of the house.
Click the start button to hear the rest of part 1.
This excerpt comes from the audiobook Izola Martha Mills.
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